Ahmed Ramadan Mohamed

MD.associate Professor of hepatology and gastroenterology faculty of medicine Cairo university

Amera mohammed hasnoon

Lecturer and consultant of pediatric Lecture and consultant of pediatric gastroenterology and endoscopy at kasralainy Hospital ,Cairo University

Mohamed Abdelmoneam

Hepatology, gasstroentrology, endoscopy consultant , liver transplantation coordinator

Manal Goda

Consultant Herpetology and Gastroenterology

Dr. Wahid doss

Professor of Gastroenterology and liver faculty of medicine Cairo university Consultant Of Gastroenterology and liver Daralfouad Hospital

Dr. Ansam Abd Elaziz

Pediatric liver transplantation coordinator - Dar Al Fouad Hospital

Mohamed AlaaElDin ElZoheiry

MD.associate Professor of hepatology and gastroenterology faculty of medicine Cairo university

Ahmed Sayed

MD. Professor of endoscopy, hepatology and gastroenterology faculty of medicine Cairo university

Prof.Hosam Basiouny

Assistant professor of pediatric, pediatric hepatology, gastroenterology,nutrition Cosaltant liver transplantation National liver Instutie Menofyia University